Striving to Present Every Man Mature in Christ

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts

to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  [2 Cor. 4:6]

The Center for Biblical Counseling

The world we live in is not a collection of random moments—God’s story—where every joy and every trial carry significance and purpose. At the Center for Biblical Counseling (CBC), a ministry of Christ Church in Moscow, ID, we believe that God’s Word speaks with clarity, kindness, grace, and authority to every aspect of life. Whether you are walking through suffering, battling sin, or seeking to grow in wisdom, the gospel is not just good advice—it is the good news that gives life and transforms hearts. Our mission is to Present Every Man Mature in Christ by offering encouragement and counseling that is rooted in Scripture, shaped by God’s wisdom, and filled with the hope of His everlasting love. We stand firm in the truth that God’s grace is not merely sufficient—it is abundant. This is His story, and we are here to walk alongside you in it.

Need Counseling?

Biblical counseling has many goals, but our primary goal is to help you develop a whole-hearted love for God, for others, and to help you meet the various challenges of life in a way that will always please and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. We are here to help!

Need Training?

The Counselor Certification Program is to equip individuals with the essential knowledge and skills to provide effective, distinctly biblically, based, reformed, and evangelical counseling/discipleship for those experiencing life's challenges.

Need to Send a Referral?

Often, counsel is needed when there are limited local resources to help. CBC receives referrals from other churches and organizations on a limited basis.


Seeing beyond the surface—where TRUTH brings wisdom clarity, and light to life’s complexities.

Justin Duran

Having Grace With Yourself

In this letter, Rachel tackles a question that many of us may have wrestled with at some point in our life: How do I have grace with myself as I grow in wisdom? While this question may seem innocent enough, Rachel argues that it actually reveals a dangerous assumption. She points us back to the truth of God’s grace and forgiveness, reminding us that our role is simply to accept it and move forward in obedience. With practical examples and biblical insights, Rachel provides a thought-provoking and convicting reflection on the nature of grace and our proper response to it as Christians.

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On The Mantle

Book Review by Ken Trotter

Teach Them Diligently, written by Dr. Lou Priolo, is a thoughtful and wise read for Christian parents who desire to raise their children in a manner consistent with the truth of God’s Word. Highlighting 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Priolo emphasizes that God’s Word is essential not only for teaching (the imparting of knowledge) but also for shaping every aspect of family life. If we are to truly live out our faith and establish a culture of grace, God’s Word must be the foundation of our home, heard in everyday interactions and conversations, the reason behind our discipline, and the guiding principle in moments of instruction. Priolo’s message is clear: parenting is not just about changing behavior but about transforming hearts through a love for God’s Word. It’s not enough to talk about God’s Word; it must be clearly reflected in how we live day-to-day. Priolo reminds us that the foundation of biblical parenting is our own walk with God. If we aren’t growing spiritually and seeking to love God, we can’t expect our children to do so.

While Teach Them Diligently provides practical advice for handling various issues like pride,  selfishness, worry, and unkindness, its true value lies in offering a broader vision of parenting: that of ministering to our children. Priolo encourages parents to use God’s Word to teach, convict, correct, and train (2 Timothy 3:16-17) their children, to minister to them and lead them down the path of righteousness.

Ultimately, this book reminds us that we are not simply influencing our children’s actions or what they do; we are cultivating their affections, which in turn shapes their actions. If you desire to raise children who love and want to serve the Lord, Teach Them Diligently offers both the vision and the practical tools to make that a reality. It’s a book that calls us to a higher standard while offering encouragement for the journey. And if you have already read it, I would suggest that you read it again.