When we are little, we are told to do various things that we don’t understand but need to do anyway. “Johnny, don’t go into the street.” At two years old, we can’t understand why we can’t go into the street, but Mom said do it, so that’s what we do. As we get older, things […]
Needs, Obligations, Rights
One of the things that make the yellow lights in my head start blinking is when people say things like, “When God tells us to X for Y. This means that Y needs X.” Then the yellow lights go to red when someone adds, “I’m Y and therefore needy, you’re part of everyone else and […]
Sermon Short: Jesus Our Healer
Excerpt from Toby’s Palm Sunday sermon. “When Jesus calls a man, it is abundantly clear that He demands everything. But this is good news because only Jesus knows what it will take to eradicate our sin. He must take our colts; He must overturn our tables; He must die. What is He doing? He’s healing us (Mt. 21:14).” […]
Joy: With Us At All Times
by Matt Meyer Renae and I enjoy listening to a podcast by the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Albert Mohler, called “The Briefing”. In it Mohler analyzes current events and news from a Christian World View in tight, daily, 20 minute episodes. This week, one of the news bits was linked to a […]
The State of the Church
Here is a link to our pastor’s sermons. I especially invite you to listen/watch the last two.
More Troubling Our Trouble
Forgiveness is difficult when we think the person who sinned against us doesn’t understand what they’ve done to us. They don’t “get” it. They seem to continue on like nothing happened, or they don’t acknowledge or agree that it ever did happen. But we know, way down in our heart, that they sinned against us […]
Forgiveness #2
The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death…” (Rom. 6:23). It also says, we “…were by nature children of wrath, just as the others” (Eph. 2:3). What these passages mean is that our rebellion and sin was primarily against God and his authority in our lives. Our sin produced a rift between us […]
Forgiveness #1
I thought I should take a few posts to explain what I think about forgiveness, confession of sin, and repentance. When we begin the conversation, we need to talk about our terms. Here’s how I think the Bible describes forgiveness, “Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.” Now where there is […]
Where is all this headed? #2
Today I’d like to write about two philosophical and theological positions: patriarchalism (as defined by the feminists and egalitarians) and egalitarianism. Let me say up front that if Patriarchalism is what is represented by feminists were true, I would be against it from top to bottom. So, what I’m writing here is not regarding what […]