Have you ever heard anyone say anything like this? “If your brother sins against you, you need to confront him and tell him where he’s wrong.” Or, “if your husband sins or is abusive, you need to confront him and expose his sin.” Or, “The Bible tells us to confront those who sin, or they […]
Rising Above: Wives 2
Dear Pastor Lawyer, Thank you for writing back to me so quickly. I’ve been praying about the things you wrote about and even looking things up in the Bible. I decided that things were horrible enough that unless I gave my life to Jesus, I would be lonely and miserable no matter what happens between […]
Rising Above—Where Christ Is
Everyone who does counseling knows that there are 1,000s of things that happen in a session that can be interpreted in any number of ways. When a person recounts a situation, he must leave out things and also include things. If the event being recounted took an hour to occur and the story teller only […]
Rising Above: Wives
Because of some confusion on how dangerous Roy might be, and because of some helpful comments, I’ve edited this post a bit. I hope it helps. Dear Pastor, You’ll never believe the terrible state of my marriage. I was raised in a Christian family. My father and mother never fought. I wasn’t rebellious as a […]
Why I look the way I do
First of all, I’m not saying I’m totally consistent in this, but this is what I think, and I think I’m mostly consistent in it. Much cultural style comes from a spirit of rebellion and selfishness. It is often “hidden” behind the notion of just trying to be different. Cultural style always seems to take […]
Rising Above The Situation: Husbands
Dear Pastor Lawyer, We’ve been married for 15 years and my wife hates me. Before we were married, I led her into some ugly sin. I abused her, beat her, slept with her, got her drunk and we used a lot of drugs. I’m not saying that for most of this she didn’t enjoy herself, […]
Rising Above The Situation: Work
Context: Bob works for a boss who is very strident in wanting his employees to be very very precise in what they do. He is what some would call a perfectionist. What he requires is not impossible to do, but the working environment is very difficult. Bob is wondering how he can do a good […]
The Easy Way
Bob had a fight with his wife and was angry. He decided to go for a walk to cool off. While on his walk he wandered past the local bar. Outside the bar was a woman who, as he got closer, he realized was his old high school girlfriend, Mabel. She looked as good as […]
Dear Pastor Lawyer, How do you battle loneliness? Particularly in ministry. I often feel desperately lonely. George in Alabama Hi George, Your question is a very common one for people in your situation. This is especially true when you are the only pastor and the church is too small to have even a secretary. I’ve […]