“I prepare for my small group with two things in mind: first, what issue in my life is God bringing to my attention—a sin or temptation, a trial, an opportunity or decision, confusion over some issue. I come ready and willing to open my life and receive input on this issue. As a practical matter, […]
The Message Is The Same
“Christ’s understanding, diagnosis, and prescription are the same. The people He engages, however, are incredibly different. This is why Jesus’ interactions—His personal ministry of the Word, His way of speaking and living gospel truth in love—are unique to each. He models for us that the message is the same, but the methods and means of […]
Give Up Our Heart’s Toys
“Father, I want to know Thee, but my coward heart fears to give up its toys. I cannot part with them without inward bleeding, and I do not try to hide from Thee the terror of the parting. I come trembling, but I do come. Please root from my heart all Those things which I […]
Be at peace with each other (Mk 9:50) Love one another (Jn 13:34) Be joined to one another (Ro 12:5) Be devoted to one another (Ro 12:10 Honor one another (Ro 12:10) Rejoice with one another (Ro 12:15) Weep with one another (Ro 12:15) Live in harmony with one another (Ro 12:16) Accept one another […]
Starting A Counseling Ministry
The wisest way to avoid these two ditches [moving too slowly, and not being prepared enough] is to follow an unhurried but steady pace, focused on organizing the organism. We have to be a community before we can reach our community. We have to minister to one another during the launch process if we want […]
A Definition of Counseling
“Communicating gospel truth about grace-focused sanctification in word, thought, and action through one another relationships that have integrity, genuineness, authenticity, transparency, and reliability, done in love to promote the unity and maturity of the body of Christ for the ultimate purpose of displaying the glory of Christ’s grace” (Robert Kelleman, Equipping Counselors for Your Church, […]
Let Him Come Defenseless
The Christian who is alive enough to know himself even slightly will recognize the symptoms of this possession malady, and will grieve to find them in his own heart. If the longing after God is strong enough within him he will want to do something about the matter. Now, what should he do? First of […]
Gospel Counseling
“Gospel counseling is a way of loving one another by understanding the struggles of unbelief and ties in the midst of sin and suffering through listening to and exploring the heart, while proclaiming how Christ and His gospel truths apply in deeply personal and particular ways, so that we can live out and grow in […]
Things Have Become Necessary To Us
“This is not a mere metaphor, but an accurate analysis of our real spiritual trouble. There is within the human heart a tough fibrous root of fallen life whose nature is to possess, always to possess. It covets ‘things’ with a deep and fierce passion. The pronouns ‘my’ and ‘mine’ look innocent enough in print, […]