The topic of quitting smoking came up today. I grew up in a non-smoking home, so it was never something I had to deal with. I grew up in a Baptist home and drinking and smoking were just things Christians didn’t do. So, I didn’t ever do it. There have been times when I’ve enjoyed the smell of tobacco smoke from a distance, but I don’t like being in a room with folks who are smoking. I might put up with it, however, if I like the folks who are smoking.
All this to say that I don’t necessarily have a problem with people smoking. There isn’t anything in the Bible about smoking at all. The Bible mentions smoke in three contexts: First, smoke is present when God shows up (e.g., Ex. 19:18), smoke is the sign of a city or nation being destroyed (e.g., Judges 20:40), and the smoke that comes from the pit of Hell (e.g., Rev 9:2). Smoke is also the vehicle that takes the “sweet aroma” up to heaven when a godly offering is made to God (e.g., Ex 29:18).
There are two other things to consider when thinking about smoking: first, a lot of smoking (whether cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and even chew) is harmful to the body. Tobacco has been clearly shown to cause various kinds of negative effects in the mouth, throat, and lungs. Not to mention that smoke gets into the bloodstream and works through the whole body. This does not mean that a person should not enjoy a good smoke now and then, simply that wisdom should be employed when using tobacco.
The second consideration is that of lordship. The Bible tells us that Jesus is Lord and that he doesn’t allow us to serve anyone or anything else. Smoking can take control of a person such that it becomes lord. Many people can’t go for very long without having a smoke. When this happens, I want to ask, “Is Jesus Lord, or is the smoke the Lord?” Many people say that cigars and pipes aren’t addicting, but I’ve known folks who were just as addicted to cigars and pipes as most are to cigarettes (and chew).
While on the topic of lordship, caffeine can have similar effects on a person that tobacco has. Being addicted to caffeine is culturally “normal,” but if it rules your life or affects your ability to keep from sinning, Jesus isn’t Lord of that area of your life and some changes need to be made.
I’m not assuming anything about anyone. But I am suggesting that, if we have to smoke, drink, eat, etc. anything in order to be normal or get along, we need to check ourselves and who or what we serve. If you snap at your husband or wife because you haven’t had your coffee yet, you need to repent of the snap and ask yourself if coffee has become too important in your life. If you can’t control yourself because you need a smoke, you need to meet with God and see if he is really God or if the cigarette has slid in there and become god.
So, smoking isn’t necessarily sinful. But if it keeps you from worshipping, giving glory to, and pleasing God, you need to have it out with your pleasure.
For me, drinking Pepsi can be something that I check from time to time. Sometimes, if I don’t have one, I’ll get a headache. So, just to make sure I’m controlling it instead of it controlling me, I’ll take a week off from drinking anything caffeinated.
There you go. Make sure you’re submitted to God in every area of your life. Use wisdom in those areas where the Bible isn’t explicit and rejoice in the Lord all the time.
Image by Mark Roentahlenberg from Pixabay