Engaging Abused Women

I would like to commend this podcast to you to listen to. It is a conversation between Dale Johnson (Executive Director of ACBC) and Pam Gannon (an ACBC counselor in Bozeman, MT). It is one of those rare interviews, now-a-days, that is genuinely Biblical in response to how to minister to a woman who has gone through horrible suffering at the hands of someone who should have been loving her.
My only caveat is that they didn’t define the word abuse. This is unfortunate because in our day, anything and everything is thrown out as being abuse and abusive. That said however, the context of the discussion lends itself to helping us stay Biblical and to respond to suffering in a Biblical way.
I agree with what Dale said in the beginning about Pam’s testimony. I was also at that conference and was very impressed with not only how Pam spoke, but also how she has used the experience of her past to draw nearer to God and to glorify him with her life.
God is good.