Respect: Part 3
I’ve written about what respect looks like here and here. Today I would like to recommend a book that does a great job of describing what respect looks like and how to do it. It really is a great book on the topic.
Here it is Love & Respect, by Emerson Eggerichs. You can find it here.
As is often the case, there is a downside to this book. Well, the downside isn’t really with the book as much as it is with the readers of the book. You’ve probably noticed that the title is Love & Respect. This means that part of the book is about love. Yep, you guessed it, it is a book for husbands and wives to both read. It covers how husbands are to love their wives as well as how wives are supposed to respect their husbands. And for those purposes, it is a great book!
But here’s the rub. It is very difficult for most people to read the parts that their spouses are supposed to do and not get sidetracked by the fact that their spouse needs to pay very careful attention to their part. Wives read that their husband is supposed to do X for them, but they aren’t. Then they get all upset. Husbands read that their wives are supposed to be doing Y for them, but they aren’t. And they get all upset. Now, everyone is upset, and no one is loving & respecting.
They have both forgotten that they are supposed to be reading and applying the parts written to them. They have forgotten that they can’t change their mate. They can only walk with God and let God change their mate—if he wants to and in his own time.
So, here’s the thing. I recommend the book only if you agree not to read the parts about what your spouse is supposed to do for you. Or if you do read those parts that you work very very hard to apply your parts before you try to help your husband do his part. Did I mention that you should try very very very hard to apply your part before you even think about the fact that your husband isn’t doing his part?
There you go Love & Respect, by Emerson Eggerichs. Great book provided you stay in your lane.