The New Testament is Finished in a New Language

Bakw Mission Update from Leidenfrosts
We finished the New Testament! Csaba told me that this afternoon they would be finishing up with the last chapter of Matthew. This finishes off the checking of the New Testament which is to us a milestone of a life’s work. As they were coming into the finish, one of the team read out these words in Bakw as the last verses to be checked:
“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.” Matt. 28:18-20
Then Pastor Firmain translated it back into French so that Yegb Antoine, the translation consultant, could check to make sure everything was correct. When he was satisfied, he looked up and said, “Glory to God. We’re done with the New Testament!” Then everyone broke into singing, first a French hymn and then a Bakw one. We then held hands and Pastor Dsir prayed a long prayer with some of it going like this: “Thank you Lord, that you have not forgotten the Bakw, but have blessed them with your Word. Thank you for the team and all those who worked together to make it happen, through many hardships and trials You have sustained everybody and we were able to finish. May it be powerfully used.”
Now Csaba will meet with his team to discuss the next events and then we’ll dash off for a day at the beach to relax after a very intense several weeks. Then we’ll come back to the village and head out to Abidjan on the 3rd. It has been a fun time being here for me, getting the house ready for when the kids come for the dedication and just being able to be with Csaba at his work and seeing them wrap up our life’s work of the Bakw New Testament. Csaba also has enjoyed having me here instead of half way across the world. It makes it more bearable. Then there has been the fun sitting at table during the main meal when the team is with us and hearing their stories. I’ll try to write some up and share them later.
PS, there are a lot of African’s walking around with Christ Church music camp t-shirts on! Also, we gave our old Christ Church sermon tapes to Pastor Dsir who is learning English. He was thrilled.