Counseling-In-A-Week Conference Coming In January

For more information and to register, go here.

“People change because they make decisions in the details of their life.” Winston Smith

It becomes incumbent on us then, if we are to help people change, to help people recognize those choice points and help them to make godly choices in the future. Windows of Opportunity is a way to do just that.

In the course of their lives people make choices all day every day. The Bible tells us that these choices are based on what the person wants and grounded in who they are at the heart level (Jas. 4:1-3; Luke 6:45). Because what is in our heart determines what we think, do, and say, it is important, if we want to help people change, to help them see that what they are doing is simply the outworking of what is in their heart. This is why the Bible commands us to circumcise our hearts (Deut. 10:16; 30:6; Jer. 4:4). If we want to have new life, we need new hearts.

In order to cry out to God and ask him for a new heart, people need to know they have the need in the first place; that they are out of control and all their choices and decisions come from a sinful and rebellious heart. Convincing people is what God has called us to (Acts 16:16-18; 2 Tim. 2:23-26) and Windows of Opportunity is a very natural and simple way to help people see into their hearts through the stories of their lives.

The stories a person tells about his life lend themselves to be viewed from another perspective—God’s perspective. We call the process Windows of opportunity because we will us the events of the life to look into the heart of the person as a person might look into a house through the windows of the house.

Our counseling in a week conference is an interactive conference. The attendees are expected to read the assigned autobiographies and memoirs with a special view to noting and paying attention to the events of the authors’ lives—especially the defining and pivotal events.