Those Who Are His

God also uses shocking words and phrases to describe those who are his: redeemed and forgiven (Eph. 1:6—8), made righteous (Rom. 5:1), new creation (2 Cor. 5:1), God’s workmanship (Eph. 2:10), reconciled to God (2 Cor. 5:18), saints (l Cor. 1:2; Eph. 1:1; Phil. 1:1), chosen, holy, and beloved (Col. 3:12), child of light, not darkness (I Thess. 5:5), pure, blameless, glory of God (Phil 1:10—11), holy, blameless, and above reproach (Col. 1:21—22), and the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21) (Justin and Lindsey Holcomb, Rid of My Disgrace, p. 79).