Responding to Confrontation
Just as there is a biblical way to confront, there is also a biblical way to respond to confrontation. If someone confronts you about a sin or offense, you can help in several ways to ensure the process has a genuinely redemptive outcome First, humbly and prayerfully. Second, confess and ask forgiveness where possible. If you need some time to process and pray about what has been said, ask for it. (But if you tend to do this every time you are corrected, please hear me: you need to check your heart carefully for pride and unteachableness.) Just make sure you get back to the person. Last, thank and affirm the person for coming. He or she has just served you significantly by pointing out a sin or seeking to reconcile your relationship (Mickey Connolly, in C.J. Mahaney ed., Why Small Groups?, p. 72).