Striving to Present Every Man Mature in Christ

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts

to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.  [2 Cor. 4:6]

Need Counseling?

Biblical counseling has many goals, but our primary goal is to help you develop a whole-hearted love for God, for others, and to help you meet the various challenges of life in a way that will always please and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. We are here to help!

Need Training?

The Counselor Certification Program is to equip individuals with the essential knowledge and skills to provide effective, distinctly biblically, based, reformed, and evangelical counseling/discipleship for those experiencing life's challenges.

Topics & Resources

Choose from the topics to the right or search our archive for topics that are of interest to you.  There is also a link section to showcase other sites and articles recommended by the Center for Biblical Counseling.

Wisdom Insights

Having Grace With Yourself

Having Grace With Yourself

In this letter, Rachel tackles a question that many of us may have wrestled with at some point in our life: How do I have grace with myself as I grow in wisdom? While this question may seem innocent enough, Rachel argues that it actually reveals a dangerous assumption. She points us back to the truth of God’s grace and forgiveness, reminding us that our role is simply to accept it and move forward in obedience. With practical examples and biblical insights, Rachel provides a thought-provoking and convicting reflection on the nature of grace and our proper response to it as Christians.

When the Bible Seems Silent

When the Bible Seems Silent

In this article, we explore the sufficiency and supremacy of the Bible in guiding Christians through life’s challenges. Although Scripture may not explicitly address every modern issue, we can apply biblical principles to make godly decisions. Learn how to honor God, love your neighbor, and grow your faith by understanding and implementing these principles in your daily life.

Spiritual Depression

Spiritual Depression

By: Ben Zornes What we commonly call depression is described in scripture a number of ways: downcast (Ps. 43:5, 2 Cor. 7:6), hopelessness (Ecc. 2:20), despair, disquieted (Ps. 42:5), troubled and weighed down (Ps. 38:6). Periods of gloom can arise due to tragedies, trials, or transgressions. If a loved one dies, it is natural to […]

On The Mantle

The Case for the Christian Family

by Jared Longshore

In the United States, the family is all but dissolved. Marriage is no longer marriage, and legally, the state could take away your children any time they wanted to. Pastor and Author Jared Longshore argues that the church’s neglect of covenantal living has led us to this pass in American society.

Heart of Anger

by Lou Priolo

Do your children ever speak to you in angry, disrespectful tones? Or do they fight between themselves? Have you ever lost your patience when dealing with an infuriating situation? If you honestly answered “yes” to any of those questions, you could use this book.

Teach Them Diligently

by Lou Priolo

Do you really know how to use the Bible for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness with your children? Most of today’s Christian parenting resources fail to emphasize what is perhaps the most important aspect of true biblical parenting.

Parenting by God's Promises

by Joel Beeke

Dr. Joel R. Beeke explores what "The nurture and admonition of the Lord" looks like and offers gems of practical wisdom for parents on topics such as instituting and leading family worship, teaching children, modeling faithful Christian living, and exercising discipline.